
Build ➤ Share ➤ Run. Let us worry about its security and execution platform! - Secure Decentralized Project Demonstration Platform Secai. 🌏

Created on 13th December 2020



Build ➤ Share ➤ Run. Let us worry about its security and execution platform! - Secure Decentralized Project Demonstration Platform Secai. 🌏

The problem Secai solves

Demonstrating proprietary code is a tedious task, one has to deploy it and ship a driver code to end-user. The reason stems from the fact that packages can be reverse engineered, and there are always privacy concerns in deploying it to a central server.

Our Solution :

Secai - ( read as 'Sekai' ) is a blockchain powered decentralized project demonstration platform that makes it easier to deploy your native applications to the web, this would ensure that developers sharing their projects can rest assured that their code won't be stolen or reverse engineered, and users are able to use any project without worrying about how to make it work.

Features :

Ease of use :

  • We are using WebAssembly which allows you to code in multiple languages.
    • WASM allows for code to run at near native speeds.
    • It all runs in a web browser! Users don't have to setup any environment, you can use it as a generic website in a generic browser.

Security :

  • Code peering, we store the code on a decentralized network of nodes powered by IPFS.
    • Due to the lack of a central code server, your model cannot be used without your permission (we used keys! 😉).
    • We can protect user data privacy by not storing the model on a central server.
    • Decentralization would increase code availability, transfer speeds and security while decreasing the actual cost of storage.
  • Using Matic network enabled us to further increase the transaction speed.
    • Matic side chains allowed for code discovery and security by the use of the ethereum network.

Challenges we ran into

  • Being developers who faced this code sharing problem ourself, we wanted it to be more secure than existing methods.
    • Decentralised code storage and sandboxed execution using binaries.
    • This approach made it easier for devs to share their models without worrying about the code being stolen 🤩.
  • We started with the scope of supporting all languages, however, web browsers only support Javascript.
    • By the use of WebAssembly, we were able to support multiple languages with near-native speed.
  • WebAssembly is a new technology and resources are scarce.
    • It took us a lot of time to collect the resources to back our idea.
  • As ethereum main network processes about 15 transactions per second and consumes too much gas, this forced us to look for better alternatives.
    • Matic network being a second layer scaling solution on ethereum, it helped us to increase our transaction speed by multiple folds 🚀.
    • This also made our application much more secure.
  • How to make it easier to get started?
    • We included easy to use demo programs to give users and developers a fair idea of our platform.

Future Expansion 📈 :

  • We plan to make a marketplace with pay-per-use method of sharing code, where developers have the convenience to showcase their work and get paid 🤑, and users to easily discover them.
  • We plan to introduce Portis as it would allow users to get started quickly.
    • Portis allows DApps to work like traditional webapps.
    • Users can easily sign-in and manage their accounts.

We encourage developers to try their hand at decompiling the demos on our website. 🙃


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