Created on 15th April 2023
In web3, frontend hacks or scamms with address poisining lead to millions of assets stolen (eg. 1.3M stolen, 570k stolen ).
To build an on-chain rating, which would protect next billion users from being scammed by scammers.
Each address is assign a score based on open algorithm with on-chain verification, boosting your trust by:
Q: How to make UX for the end user better?
A: Provide with metamask and etherscan plugins, allowing to have rating integrated into his existing user flow
Q: How to build a trustworthy rating?
A: Rely on existing elements of ecosystem and not create yet another token. Make the algorithm open-source
Q: How to make it on-chain but not pay $$$ for gas?
A: Use merkle tree and merkle proof, storing only the root on-chain
Technologies used