scatter: privately collect NFTs

scatter: privately collect NFTs

Create a scatter to privately collect NFTs, sell your scatter NFT and gather it when you wish to sell or transfer those NFTs.

The problem scatter: privately collect NFTs solves

Scatter allows you to send and collect NFTs at a set of seemingly random addresses across the blockchain. Each NFT can be collected privately at unique addresses to prevent correlation between wallets.

Scatter allows you to create virtual hidden wallets that privately connect back to your main wallet.
You can send NFTs, (and even ETH and ERC20s etc, the wallet has full control) to this wallet privately.
You then can reveal yourself when you wish to interact with the wallet.

Control of the scattered collection is done with the scatterkey NFT, while the knowlege of what the scattered wallets is stored in the scatterfile.

The scatterfile can be shared to prove your assets to others and to facilitate the sale of the control NFT.

Challenges I ran into

  • Focusing and building the UX in a short amount of time
  • Getting anything to work well with Gnosis Chain (strong use case for POAPs)
  • NFT APIs
  • Keyfile storage, formatting and managament
