
An app to report and track environmental damages caused by industries to concerned authorithies and NGOs

The problem Saviour solves

There a lot of industries and institutions which pollute the environment by throwing by-products and industrial waste into the environment.
This can be industries sneakily releasing waste water into water bodies or forest reserves, housing societies having poor waste management, residents throwing garbage at a corner of the road which isnt meant to be a garbage dump.

In most of the cases, there is little to no action because either the autorites are not aware of it, or, the concerned authotithies turn an eye away from these activities for bribes, other bigger problems etc.

Our app connects the users and the NGOs/Authorithies directly. When any civilian comes witnesses a situaition of environmental rights violation, they can instantly log a complaint with all the neccessary details on the app or the website.
Once the complain is logged, it is visible to the NGO, which can furhter get invovled in the case.

Our app is built with flutter, and is built for all pllatforms (ios, mac, android & web). Firebase is used for storing the complaint files and details.

Technologies used
