AI driven content moderation for blockchain based live streaming

The problem NO BANANAS solves

People have abandoned these virtual video chat room spaces due to undesired content that can suddenly appear in someone else's stream. NO BANANAS fights for a safe internet.

Inappropriate Content in Live Streams
Live streaming platforms often struggle with moderating content in real-time. Inappropriate or offensive material can appear unexpectedly, exposing viewers to potentially harmful content. NOBANANAS uses AI to detect and censor such material instantly, ensuring a safer viewing experience.

Lack of Real-Time Moderation
Traditional content moderation often relies on user reports and manual review, which can't keep pace with live streams. NOBANANAS introduces an automated, real-time solution that proactively identifies and censors unwanted content before it can disrupt the stream.

User Safety and Comfort
Viewers and creators alike seek environments where they feel safe and respected. Inappropriate content can alienate audiences, deter participation, andP harm the platform's reputation. By creating a more controlled environment, NOBANANAS enhances user comfort and safety.

Challenges we ran into

Livestream Integration with Livepeer: Integrating our platform with Livepeer's streaming service presented a significant technical hurdle. Our team dedicated substantial time and effort to understanding and leveraging the Livepeer API effectively. The breakthrough came after many questions in the Discord and in person assistance.

AI Integration for Object Detection: Developing and integrating AI capable of real-time object detection within live video streams was another challenge. Integragting Tensorflow and Computer Vision was the way to go-

Synchronizing Livepeer Streaming with AI Moderation: Bridging the gap between the live streaming AI-driven content moderation was also tough. Ensuring real-time analysis and response without introducing latency or degrading stream quality demanded

Tracks Applied (3)

Impact & Public Goods

NOBANANAS, really hits the mark for making the internet a better place, especially when it comes to live video chats. We...Read More

AI Video Tools and Applications

NO BANANAS stands as a strong candidate for the Livepeer Early Startup Prize, showcasing its potential right from its MV...Read More


AI Video Disruptor

Our project, NOBANANAS, is a perfect fit for the Livepeer: AI Video Disruptor track because it's all about revolutionizi...Read More


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