

Connecting blood, saving life

The problem Sangnet solves

Problem Statement:
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the inefficiencies and challenges associated with blood donation and distribution were magnified. The traditional methods of using platforms like WhatsApp to urgently request and coordinate blood donations proved to be inefficient and sometimes inadequate. This highlighted the need for an innovative solution that could efficiently connect blood donors with recipients, ensuring a timely and reliable supply of blood, especially during emergencies.

Solution Overview:
Our blood donation app emerged as a response to these challenges. We envisioned a platform that leverages technology to bridge the gap between donors and recipients, ensuring that the life-saving gift of blood reaches those in need promptly and efficiently. Our app revolutionizes the way blood donations are requested, coordinated, and fulfilled, making the process smoother and more streamlined.

By addressing the inefficiencies of traditional methods and leveraging technology for efficient blood donation coordination, our app aims to save lives by ensuring a consistent and reliable blood supply. The platform's user-friendly interface, real-time matching, and verified donor network contribute to a safer and more efficient blood donation process, especially during times of crisis.

Our blood donation app stands as a testament to innovation driven by necessity. By revolutionizing how blood donations are managed and distributed, we strive to provide a robust solution that not only solves immediate challenges but also establishes a foundation for a more efficient and reliable blood donation ecosystem.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Navigating Open Source Map Solutions: Initially, we enthusiastically embraced the Geolocation API for our mapping feature. However, the path was not without hurdles as the costs associated with this solution during the hackathon raised concerns. To circumvent this challenge, we embarked on a quest to discover an open-source map alternative that harmonizes with our limited budget and project prerequisites.

  2. **Smart Matching within BloodDonors And Receivers: **As we delved into the backend development, we encountered pivotal challenges while implementing smart matching between compatible blood donors and recipients, alongside the functionality to discover nearby blood banks within a 5-kilometer radius. Here's how we overcame these challenges with innovation:

i. Smart Matching Algorithm: Crafting an algorithm that intelligently matches compatible blood donors and recipients was no small feat. We needed to factor in diverse blood types, urgency levels, and location-based constraints. The innovation lay in designing an algorithm that not only matched based on blood type but also considered the urgency of the situation and proximity.

ii. User Privacy and Safety: Privacy and safety were paramount. Our innovation involved creating a verification system that authenticated both donors and recipients, establishing a trustworthy ecosystem for critical blood donations.

iii. Nearby Blood Banks: The challenge here was to seamlessly integrate geolocation data to allow users to locate nearby blood banks within a 5-kilometer radius. We creatively harnessed geospatial libraries to empower users with this crucial information.
