Created on 9th January 2023
Our tool enables startups companies, NGOs and other organizations to access full sentiment analysis associated with a person to appoint brand ambassadors. Brands can use this tool to generate their complete sentiment analysis along with the predicted future sentiments to help their management teams to devise plans to improve their image.Location specific analysis filter, sort by date and sentiment and effective and user friendly visualizations charts graphs for an effective and meaningful analysis to help people draw inferences and devise plans.
Additionally this tool can be a game changer for celebrities, social media influencers to help them build their own personal brand and keep a track of the associated sentiment in their specific region of interest
Developing a user friendly UI along with different dynamic visualizations for drawing meaningful inferences was also quite a challenge for us but the most important hurdle anyone would face in this project was the trade-off between speed and accuracy of model given the large number of news articles present on the web along with not only extracting the relevant passages but also applying different NLP methods to preserve the context associated with the text for an efficient analysis.We
tackled this issue by improving the scrapper for which we had to make some custom changes to various open source libraries and improved NLP by creating an ensembled models with different weightage in phases so as to tackle accuracy and speed issues.