Saline Care

Iot Based Glucose Bottle Monitoring device which can be monitored remotely By App or Website

Created on 18th August 2020


Saline Care

Iot Based Glucose Bottle Monitoring device which can be monitored remotely By App or Website

The problem Saline Care solves

When the saline (electrolyte) in the bottle is emptied, backflow of blood
occurs into the intravenous line causing certain unpleasant feelings to the patient.
The pandemic COVID-19 cases are increasing on a daily basis which becomes
harder for the limited number of healthcare workers to treat the patients. To not
worry about the regular check on the saline drip, this technique can be taken to the
hospitals at this much needed time so that it becomes easier for the workers to
monitor and provide the needy with the correct schedule

Challenges we ran into

Calibrating IR was difficult

Technologies used


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