Created on 29th January 2023
As startups and established companies continue to flourish, a common problem that exists in the industry is the mode of payment for employees. To address this issue, we have developed a decentralized application utilizing blockchain technology that streamlines the payment process for startups and companies. With this application, an organization's admin can easily send payments and manage employee salaries in one central location, eliminating the need for multiple individuals to handle the task.
Using Blockchain technology we want to improve this problem for the payment structure of these startups and companies by allowing an organization's admin to send payments to their employees and manage it all in one place. So we built a decentralized infrastructure tooling application that does this work for startups/companies by adding employees and paying them a salary in one click.
Our decentralized application aims to simplify the process of paying employees by allowing a single admin to manage and distribute salaries for all employees in the company. By streamlining this process and removing the need for multiple individuals to handle it, startups and companies can save valuable resources and streamline their workflow. Additionally, the application is designed to pay employees based on their position, ensuring fair and efficient compensation for all employees
We aim to leverage the advancements in blockchain technology to streamline the traditional process of salary management for startups and companies, making it easily accessible with a single click. Additionally, we plan to continue improving and expanding the application by incorporating features such as the ability for multiple startups and companies to register and manage their employee's additional details and try to make a blog section for this on the blockchain , ultimately making it a comprehensive tool for enhancing workflow and productivity.
During the development of this project, several obstacles were encountered and valuable lessons were learned. This was the team's first experience working with Next.js, and they are pleased to have successfully created a functioning project.
Working on a project with my team member, we encountered some difficulties with understanding certain technologies, specifically Next.js and Tailwind. My team member was not as familiar with these technologies and it was a hard task for him to understand. Additionally, I also faced some difficulties in understanding a specific aspect of the project, the blockchain part. However, we were determined to overcome these obstacles and worked together to tackle the problem. Through our combined efforts, we were able to understand the technology clearly and were ultimately successful in completing the project to our satisfaction. Despite the initial difficulties, we were able to understand the technology together and achieve success as a team.
Aesthetics were improved by utilizing Tailwind CSS. Initially, the team struggled with determining whether to permit external access to the solidity functions, ultimately opting to restrict usage to the contract deployer.
However, to allow for proper testing by **judges, the "onlyOwner" modifier was removed **to enable full access to the application's capabilities. Difficulty was also encountered when attempting to integrate a "Connect Wallet" button across all components in the Next.js framework, requiring duplication of the feature in each necessary component.
Efforts were made to minimize gas costs by simplifying the Solidity code and optimizing the contract.
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