Sahitya 💸

All in one Financial Tooling

The problem Sahitya 💸 solves

Have you ever been annoyed by the number of documents and verification you need you submit before applying for any financial service? For ex: KYC, pan card details, etc. Not anymore!! By using this app you can avail the benefits of having all your financial data in one place within 2 mins with just your mobile number.
Sahitya analyses data received from the accounts you provide consent to. It creates a credit score with alternate data, displays your net worth and other financial units. It has dashboard with amazing visualization. This app is still at the proof of concept stage and as more and more data is data is created we can create better models which could make Sahitya one of the best financial tooling web app.
It is also important for the user to understand financial concepts related to the user's account. Therefore to promote financial literacy in India as it is extremely important and needs to be addressed. A user should know where their money is and how it can impact them so that they do not take any wrong decisions. This lets Sahitya create a personalized study plan based on the data provided and will help the user of the app manage their money more efficiently

So what's next for Sahitya:
Firstly to create better models and deploy it to production within the next three months
Secondly to create a superior peer to peer lending system as through this app even a low wage worker who needs money in the morning to work and then can return in the evening can borrow money as now instead of having value collateral we have information collateral. Also with the credit scoring model we can verify a person with their digital footprint

Challenges I ran into

This is my first work on Account Aggregators or fintech in general so it took some time for me to understand some parts of what accont aggregators do. I was stuck in a few plces while using the setu sandbox API but the mentors on discord were helpful so I could easily resolve the issues I faced.
