Safety One

SafetyOne(Nari Shakti)- Let's act before it's too late

The problem Safety One solves

Our applicationworks on several features, namely:

  1. Finding the safest path for a female to travel from according to some data regarding criminal records, places on the map etc from 166 regions in Delhi.
  2. Voice-Bot based conversations meant to intimidate the attacker about people being aware about the female's safety and location.
    3)Alert mails to all the registered contacts with the location details
    4)Recording sounds for future evidence use.
    5)High volume sirens to aware people around the female regarding the mis-happenning
    6)Reconfirming before sending alerts, and if confirmation is not recieved within a certain time frame, the alert is automatically sent

Challenges we ran into

We have used flutter and alot of apis do not support flutter,
Integrating our back-end and front-end
