
Let's talk about it! People can use 'SafeSpace' application for sharing their problems related to mental and sexual health - the two big taboos of India.

The problem SafeSpace solves

People can use 'SafeSpace' application for sharing their problems related to mental and sexual health - the two big taboos of India. They can get in touch with the organisation and counsellor working for the same through this app.
This four main sections of this app are:

  1. Mental Health: This sections contains subdivisions which are namely Description , Myths and Preventive Measures. 'Description' tab contains useful information about mental health which is important for everyone to know. The basic idea for creating the tab 'Myths' is to set a clear picture in the minds of users about "what mental illness actually is". The tab 'Preventive measures' includes some steps or measures that should be taken to prevent this disease.
  2. Discussion panel: This sections will help users to post their problems publicly. Their identities will be hidden. There will be counsellors assigned to solve their queries.
  3. Some Helpful Links: This section provides links to NGO's who are working in this field. Clicking on the link will help user to visit their websites.
  4. Sex Education: People often tend to attach a whole lot of sensitivity to the topic of sex, regarding it with the most vicious taboo. There are consequences associated with not educating our youth about sexual health issues, including sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancy, and sexual violence. So our motive is to create awareness among the people about sex. This section contains cards showing some important information which everyone needs to know about sex to avoid the consequences.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a lot of problem while commiting from one team member to another. We had to make new repositories to fork the changes and it was not allowing us to commit on the same repository.
Also we were planning to design a messaging iterface that will facilitate the app user to discuss about the problems with the counseller. So in place of that we have implemented room database in which the app user can add their thoughts and it will be public for everyone but the identity will remain anonymous. Also, the future implementation of our project will be to implemenet this messaging interface and connect them with counsellor.
