
"You smuggle it.We catch it.". Whoever tries to smuggle the gold,he/she will be catched. A single source of truth but no single point of contact. Thats the power of blockchain.

The problem SafeGold solves

  1. Currently,Gold is one of the precious thing one can have.So,as its precious its demand is also more.Many people with criminal mind may get into smuggling of gold which is a big loss to country's economy.

  2. So, I have developed a gold tracking system which caters this problem of smuggling gold to a considerable extent.

  3. There are 3 parties involved - exporter , importer and verifier.

4.The exporter at the customs is a trusted authority who exports the gold goods from one country to another.His job is to type details like manufacturing ID,quantity of gold,from,to country and his license,bill amt and hash of it stored onto blockchain network and an event is created which helps in tracking the gold.Manufacturing ID will be kept along with gold goods in terms of invoice or QR Code which will be needed to verify.

5.The importer at customs is a verifying authority who verifies the hash and gold from exporter in terms of quantity and exporter license along with the country from which it came.

6.If quantity received and the quantity transacted does not match or hash of details don't match then there is some problem and importer will not permit that gold to enter into the country.

7.Only after importer verifies , then only that gold can be bought/sold into country legally.

8.So, the government should make some rules such that the unverified gold will have no value and no money will be given to any person while selling that unverified gold and serious action will taken against them.

9.So, even if someone smuggles that gold onto country without import custom's permission ,no one buy it ,so no use of smuggling.

10.Third party is Verifiers who are normal users like customers,jewellers etc. who can check via their mobile by entering manufacturer ID of that gold whether its verified or not.

11.If its verified , then only they will buy else its their loss as its of no value.

12.So, in whole market,there will be verified gold which is beneficial for that nation.

Challenges I ran into

  1. Although,this idea may seam trivial ,but if properly implemented can create a great impact.

2.The challenge i faced was to convert this concept into terms of smart contract in solidity language.

3.Then some challenges for deploying contract onto Rinkeby Testnet.But, I overcomed it with properly naming the thing in Javascript scripts and configure Metamask properly.
