

har jagah

The problem Saathi solves

• In the cities, you haven’t been in, it’s hard to Locate the public conveyance services, especially if you’ve to arrive somewhere.
• Individuals face this problem of having to ask different questions either to the locals or to the drivers.
• A successful solution would solve this complex issue, by creating a platform to let users supervise the routes through tracking the required vehicles for the service.

Challenges we ran into

We were warned by our mentors that integrating google maps and firebase in the project in one night at such a scale would be a momentus task and they were indeed not wrong. Though it was fun it has been a heck of hard ride and I can't say we didn't enjoy every bit of it. Now let's see what the future holds for our humble endavour.

Tracks Applied (1)

Choreo Cloud Track

Our project is a great fit for choreo, we need a microservices infrastructure to run all the API and backend requests wi...Read More

