Never miss a Payment

The problem S E T T L E solves

Settle is an app that aims to solve the hassle that many of us face: keeping track of our transactions, online or in cash, including with groups of people. Settle provides an easy-to-use space to keep track of who owes who in your groups. It shows and keeps track of how much money you owe individual people and how much is owed to you. The app uses RazorPay payment APIs which allows us to simplify and settle debts directly on it.

● Create User Profile.
● Add a transaction object having transaction amount, date, sender/receiver, title.
● Payback option.
● Show how much you owe and others owe you(list of pending transactions).
● Create a Group of people.
● Simplify debts in groups.
● Comment on transaction.
● Graphs charts and useful statistics(Monthly, weekly and yearly expenditure, etc.)
● Online and offline support.
● Auto transaction category.
● Various transaction payment modes

Challenges we ran into

We faced quite a lot of trouble in implementing the RazorPay API and also in efficiently using firebase as the backend but we figured it out in the end and now everything works perfectly.
