

It is a risk derivative protocol that helps vary your risk exposure to certain pair of investments, based on the ratio of the two tokens that you have.

Built at ETHIndia Fellowship 3.0


It is a risk derivative protocol that helps vary your risk exposure to certain pair of investments, based on the ratio of the two tokens that you have.

The problem RiskSpectrum solves

Based on the risk exposure of the individual and the amount that it is willing to pay to get to a lower risk exposure creates a need for the existence of this protocol.

This project was based off of the following research paper :
The authors of the paper are Fabian Schar, Mathias Nadler, Felix Bekemeier.
It was really helpful, especially the initial smart contract, Insurance.sol

Challenges I ran into

Probably has to be about the DEX implementation, for now, just the fellowship submission i have decided to go with a primitive DEX approach such that initial liquidity is provided by the users' itself.
Another issue has to be the proxy implementation as it was relatively new to me.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
