RIFIL is a DeFI Liquid Staking Data DAO which invests in subsidizing Filecoin Storage for Clients with valuable data against royalties for future retrievals deployed on FVM and IPC

The problem RIFIL solves

  • Anyone in the Filecoin ecosystem can use this for investing in valuable data generators and earn against that
  • Storage Providers can earn more by storing data that would be high in demand using retrieval fees
  • Clients can use this subsidy to store data for free or a negligible cost even without FIL+
  • It can work with or without FIL+ and can also act as a replacement for FIL+
  • Most useful for high impact data creators that whose data get used by a lot of other people like open source data models and weights
  • Impactful for onboarding enterprise clients with high rate of retrievals

Challenges I ran into

Creating the incentive structure and finishing off in time.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
