Resume Parser

Resume Parser

A Resume Parser Service that is capable of parsing upto 100 resumes at a time along with options to store it for further use.


Created on 27th December 2022

Resume Parser

Resume Parser

A Resume Parser Service that is capable of parsing upto 100 resumes at a time along with options to store it for further use.

The problem Resume Parser solves

Resume Parser | SKAN

SKAN is a Resume Parser Service that is capable of parsing upto 100 resumes at a time along with options to store it for further use, providing information like contact details, education, work experience, skills and achievements, etc.

Availability of skilled resources is always a challenge for any industry. More so for the IT industry. Potential Hires to Job Description matching was done manually in old days. With the advancement of Machine Learning and particularly Natural Language Processing algorithms, the task of recruiters have become easier. These techniques probably have helped recruiters to search the proverbial needle in haystack.

Problem Dimensions

  • Parse resume in varying formats (.docx, .doc, .pdf, .txt, etc) to store in a database.
  • Build a Parser such that it should be able to extract ROLES, SKILLS, PERIOD, EDUCATION, COMPANIES, besides the usual attributes of NAME, EMAIL, PHONE number and store it in database.
  • The Parser should also be able to build/ synthesize/ extract synopsis of the Candidate’s profile.
  • Solutions will be judged on the ability to extract accurate information in the above fields in database for different formats and filetypes of resume.

Objectives covered

  • You can try uploading one resume in the demo to get a JSON response consisting of the parsed results.
  • You can scan upto 100 resumes by uploading them on the user dashboard.
  • All resumes that've been previously parsed are stored in the All Scans Page. These can be viewed and deleted if unnecessary. The original files of these resumes' are also stored, hence can be accessed at any time.


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