

A one stop solution for managing the result of each and every student of any university throughout that too in an easy, efficient and user friendly manner

The problem Result-o-Manage solves

As the number of courses offered by a university as well as the number of students enrolling in a particular course is gradually increasing over the years therefore this creates a major problem for the examination department of a university to manage the results of so many students. Our project resultagement solves this problem and makes it very easy for the faculty for managing the results of their students.
Taking down the results manually can be a tedious process but with our software the process of result management is a piece of cake.
Many a times an inefficient management system dissapoints students due to delay and inaccuracy in results but not anymore with result-o-manage

Challenges we ran into

Result-o-Manage is our first ever real world project using python. Using different libraries of python for different purposes and linking different pages of our together was a challenging task for us but our zeal and zest to code and build helped us face those challenges and submit the final outcome. We also faced problems while working on database management but we beleive that every project is incomplete without facing any difficulties. WE AT SHE CODES tackled all the test cases and enjoyed the whole process.

Tracks Applied (1)


Solana Track

