Authenticated users can access and share resources related to any field of study here. All subscribed users will be notifed about a post through email. There's a Q&A section too.
Authenticated users can access and share resources related to any field of study here. All subscribed users will be notifed about a post through email. There's a Q&A section too.
Function and Benifits
Auhentication via passport.js
Security ensured as the passwords are stored as hashed code.
It provides free and unlimited access to resources like notes, books and all for every user.
Getting your doubts cleared, expanding your network and finding like minded people, all of at through single platform.
Like and Comment functationality on each uploads as well as seperate Q&A section.
Sending email that takes you to the resource file.
Searching the posts and questions using tags alloted by the author.
Challenges we ran into
Problems in uploading the file to the database
Sending mail to your account for your selected file to your mail.