ResearChain : OnChain DAO community for innovators

ResearChain : OnChain DAO community for innovators

SuperCharge Your Research Publications with Solana X ResearChain.

The problem ResearChain : OnChain DAO community for innovators solves

Current Scenario : Today publishing a research paper , filing for a patent and getting acknowldeged as a innovator is a cumbersome proccess , we require funding, internal sources and be a part of any big organisation to be published .

Researchain comes to rescue !!

Be a part of the world most esteemed scientific organisation where users can view , comment even collaborate with other reserachers .

  1. Talented researchers can get acknowledged among top researchers
  2. Recieve grants for working more on projects
  3. Get hired, offered for collaborations
  4. users can create new orgs and be part of seasoned ones like ieee , acm , london-society of physics
    without much spending all with blazing fast speed of solana ecosystem and its security .

Clearly breaking the orthodox and corrupt system .

Challenges we ran into

connecting a web3 provider with the frontend was a tough proccess as this was our first time working with solana sdk
creating anchor workspace for deploying and compling the rs contract . (Solved)
