
Single destination to keep track of all your assignments.

Created on 17th January 2021



Single destination to keep track of all your assignments.

The problem Reminderquipo solves

Students are involved in so many activaties at the same time and thus it is easy to forget the due dates of assignments.
Reminderquipo helps students by giving them periodic reminders about their assignments through email. We realised that many major apps through which online classes are conducted, don't have any functionality to remind students and students can miss the deadlines, this motivated us to create this project.

Challenges we ran into

For our project we wanted to constantly monitor the submission times of all the assignments submitted by students. So basically we wanted to run a while loop alongside our flask app, which became a problem as the while loop stopped the functioning of the flask app. We came over this problem using multiprocessing. With multiprocessing we were able to run both the processes parallely. Also when we were creating our app as an module we faced problems like circular imports, so we decided to create our project as an package instead.


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