

Transact once, update forever.

Created on 19th February 2023




Transact once, update forever.

The problem Reflow solves

Disclaimer -- Money streaming in it's current phase is working on the logic of constant flow agreements. While these agreements in themselves are quite beneficiary, they could be improved upon further by adding updates + automating them. πŸ‘€

So, what Reflow does? -- It helps in creating reward flows which stream + update themselves in real-time. 🌊

Ummm, what the heck does that mean anyway? πŸ™„

Let's suppose, A (Employer) wants to give salary to B (Employee), but on 2 conditions:

  1. B will receive 100 tokens per second, instead of all at once.
  2. After each month, salary will be doubled -- loyalty bonus.

Therefore, the scenario would look something like:

  • 1st Month, B receives 100 tokens/sec
  • 2nd Month, B receives 200 tokens/sec
  • 3rd Month, B receives 400 tokens/sec
    and so on.

Wait a minute, is that even possible? πŸ€”

Well, that's exactly what Reflow does -- you can send money stream (like Netflix) to anyone; which will be automagically updated after a fixed time interval. Plus, you have to transact only once, and everything else will be automated -- pretty cool, right? πŸ™‚

Under the hood, this is how it all works:

  • Money is streamed in real-time using Superfluid.
  • Stream is updated after specific intervals using Chainlink.
  • Off-chain notifications to on-chain updates are sent using Push Protocol.

Moreover, the 2 major problems which Reflow solves are:

  • Lack of loyalty based streaming.
  • Non-availability of real-time updates.

Challenges I ran into

The main issue was finding a way about how to link Chainlink's smart contract to Reflow's contract such that transactions happen only when there needs to be an update. This needed to be ensured because if transactions keep on running, they would eventually lead to gas loss.

Thus, the solution I found was to embed that specific condition in the contract itself as even if Chainlink tries to make an update, the transaction would be automatically reverted without making a state change.

Moreover, in order to confirm that it worked, I also added push notifications which could send an update if streaming hadn't stopped + the same could be verified via Superfluid console too.

Tracks Applied (4)

Polygon: Open Track

Reflow uses Polygon to ensure that gas fees are low + updates are affordable. Since, there will be constant flow updates...Read More

Polygon Technology

Superfluid - General Track

Reflow uses Superfluid in order to create money flows to users + some alterations in the Money Router contract to make t...Read More



Reflow uses Chainlink's automation contracts to make the main operator contract self-sufficient such that money flows pe...Read More


Push Protocol

Reflow uses Push Protocol in order to send updates about whenever the streams are getting created + updated + deleted --...Read More

Push Protocol


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