Red VS Blue

Red VS Blue

The battleground now lies onchain...

Built at Onchain Summer Buildathon

The problem Red VS Blue solves

Red VS Blue is a way for communities to engage in peaceful competition with one another.


Enable fair competition with real world stakes. Also make a game which players enjoy playing.

Game Mechanics

Red VS Blue features two teams, each with their own token. Using ETH, members of a group can purchase their community token (in the testnet version of the game, players use a platform token instead of ETH, to make it easier to test the game), which they can then use to buy game items. Doing well in the game allows them to accumulate points. Challenges are also periodically implemented, encouraging players to perform in game tasks, pump their token, or dump the losers token to recieve more points. After a certain period of time, the team with the least points is rugged - meaning that all their liquidity is used to buy the winners token, plunging the losers token price. It's a mixture of gambling and skill.

Crypto Components

Liquidity pools and score tracking is done transparently on chain. This allows players to know that neither side is cheating. The rugging procedure when the game ends is automatically carried out by the smart contract.

Challenges we ran into

We were attempting to use a library to implement a liquidity pool and, though we were close to getting it to work, we faced some strange bug that caused transactions to revert without any indication of the reason. In the end we designed our own pool based on the implementation we had become accustomed to when using the aforementioned library.

Tracks Applied (1)

Gaming Track

It is a game.

GAMING with thirdweb

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
