A web application which recognise the emergency phrases like Help,Emergency etc in real time and sends an alert via call,sms and the current location of the user to all the emergency contacts.

The problem RED ALERT solves

Thousands of crimes are committed every day, and probably hundreds are occurring right now in the world. Someone somewhere will be killed, robbed, and raped until you read this. Without a doubt, crime can be seen as the plague of society. Nevertheless, the key to solving the problem lays deeply in it and only through research of every aspect of the problem can be found and that is why we should keep trying.
As our model use voice recognition, it is faster than the current feature in mobiles which involves pressing the home button 3 to 5 times to automatically make an emergency call.
The Situations can be worse when the user can't talk on the phone to tell the problem, which our app takes care of.
It will also play a very good role in the cases, where the victim is not feeling comfortable/well or have an intuition that something is wrong.
These emergency contacts can be their family members, relatives, friends , the people around the user at that location or even Police.
This might not guarantee to avoid the crime but still, it might save a lot of lives and helps to decrease the crime rates and make our country a better and peaceful place to live.

Challenges we ran into

We faced some serious problems connecting the Deep Learning voice model with the web app.
We spent a lot of time in using the Places API and Geocoding API.
