

Your feasible automated system to make attendance tracking easier!

The problem RecogX solves

The traditional attendance process, often involves manual methods like signing attendance sheets or using punch cards which can lead to queues or crowds in small places. Hence, the traditional process is rather tedious, monotonous, time-consuming while also being to prone to errors that can lead to inaccuracies in attendance records, which may require additional time to rectify.

RecogX automates this process using coming-of-age Facial recognition technology that utilizes computer vision and python libraries. Here's how it helps:-

  1. Automation: By automating the attendance process, facial recognition eliminates the need for manual intervention. Users simply need to show their faces, and the system takes care of the rest. This saves time and reduces the administrative burden.
  2. Accuracy: Facial recognition technology provides a high level of accuracy in identifying individuals. This reduces the likelihood of errors in attendance tracking, ensuring that records are reliable and trustworthy.
  3. Efficiency: With facial recognition, attendance can be recorded quickly and seamlessly. Participants don't need to queue up or wait for their turn to mark attendance, leading to smoother and more efficient sessions.
  4. Engagement: It transforms the mundane task of attendance into a more interactive and engaging experience, generating interest and participation.

Challenges I ran into

Implementing a facial recognition attendance system can bring significant benefits, but it's not without its challenges. Here are some hurdles I encountered during project creation:

  1. Encountered some difficulties while installing dlib in the system. I resolved it by installing cmake directly from the website instead of using pip, and then installed dlib.
  2. I used VS code to edit,run,debug the project locally. Initially, the model wasn't running due to the absence of integration of face recognition models from git into vscode. Even after installing it, it still showed the same error. I used the command pip install setuptools to fix it.
  3. I faced difficulties in creation and updation of spontaneous csv files with the current date as name.Possibly some internal error within Excel as the data failed to show in the csv file. Rewrote the code and used diiferent libraries to resolve the issue.

Tracks Applied (1)

GitHub Track

The project has been created with face recognition models imported from Github repositories and it is run locally on VS ...Read More

