Reclaim zk bot

A Trust-Building Bridge for Telegram Communities via Zero-Knowledge Proofs.

The problem Reclaim zk bot solves

The Reclaim zk bot is designed to solve a key problem in today's digital world - authenticating online data securely and privately. It's built upon the Reclaim protocol(https://docs.reclaimprotocol.org), which lets individuals generate proofs of their online data from a multitude of websites, including verification of academic status, citizenship, or trading PnL.

The bot can be utilized for a range of applications, from token gating based on holdings on a centralized exchange, proving the profit or loss on a trading platform to gain access to premium communities, or confirming geographical location with documents such as Aadhaar.

A specific use-case is the bot's ability to verify your balance on the Bybit exchange. If you hold more than $100 in your account, the bot will grant you access to an exclusive group.

Overall, the Reclaim zk bot simplifies online data verification, enhancing security, privacy and fostering trust within digital communities.

Challenges I ran into

As this was my first experience building a Telegram bot, I encountered a number of challenges along the way. Here are a few key ones:

Understanding the Telegram API: Initially, understanding the API for the Telegram bot was challenging. It required a good deal of time spent learning from the documentation and working on different examples.

Creating Expiring Chat Links: I faced challenges in setting up chat links to expire just after a user joined. It took multiple tests and tweaks to get it right.
