
We use NFTs for copyright for their recipes. (Note: My dapp is similar to meme ownership dapp but it is for recipes.)



We use NFTs for copyright for their recipes. (Note: My dapp is similar to meme ownership dapp but it is for recipes.)

The problem RecipeBook solves

There are so many recipe websites on internet but none of them gives copyrights to the creator of that recipe. So anyone can claim the recipe is theirs. We want to let the people know whose recipe is this and who owns the copyrights because we think that to create a master recipe the cook will fail in so many attempts. So we are giving the copyright and recognition at the same time.

Challenges I ran into

  1. Creating an app using NextJS because I want my app to see by everyone and want to use server-side rendering.
  2. Integrating the MongoDB database into my NextJS app using Prisma.
  3. Converting from web3.js to ethers.js.
  4. Creating and interacting with NFT smart contracts.
  5. Creating Prisma APIs.
  6. Storing my NFT data in IPFS.
