Rebit - DAO platform build on ethereum blockchain

A DAO platform that doesnot force you but rewards you for the kindness towards nature where no one is central authority but the users who belongs to DAO. The revolution towards the nature!

The problem Rebit - DAO platform build on ethereum blockchain solves


In today's day and age it is becoming more and more common to throw thrash away on the street without any consideration for the environment, this is where 'Rebit' comes in.

With our state of the art technology one can get a positive incentive for recycling trash. If a person throws thrash in one of our Rebit dustbins a special hash will be generated (feature yet to be implemented due to lack of time) which can be pasted on our site and the person will be rewarded ETH for doing the same.

Unique Selling Point of Rebit

  • Building it on the blockchain guarantees no corruption and transparent system.
  • Better waste management and reduced waste in oceans and landfills.
  • Incentivizes recycling instead of littering.
  • helps government in waste sorting .
  • Cleaner and healthier environment for everyone in present and future.
  • Making industry to adapt recycled products as now it will be more beneficial

Challenges we ran into


  • Integrating polygon and metamask for our first time had some difficulties
  • Understanding how the blockchain works to properly integrate it into our solution was difficult
  • making a dao platform that is decentralized i.e. no central authority runs the site but the users of the community
