Created on 8th November 2020
In the modern world, it's and era of video calls or video conferencing . For normal people like us we can easily convey our message throught speech and expressions but for physically dumb people it becomes difficult as they use only expressions but in reality those expressions are too difficult to understand for others , So our project uses Handpose model of Tensorflow.Js for Handpose Estimation and Fingerpose model of Tensorflow.Js for Gesture Recognition so that when these people make some gesture , it actully shows a real time emoji to help others understand thus helping these people convey their message easily
Yeah , we ran into some little errors like :
Camera and microphone not appearing in correct position of screen
Soln : We changed the height and width of the camera appearing on the browser and making its position absolute
Handpose not identifying correctly
Soln. We made a lil mistake in the syntax but were easily able to oversome it
Technologies used