

The problem Reach-U solves

Vehicular traffic is one of the greatest challenges faced by all major cities all over the world. Do you know as per the data released by the World Health Organization more than one million deaths each year are imputed to air pollution, of which a large proportion is caused by vehicular traffic? Horrifying, indeed. It’s surprising that there are numerous personal as well as environmental benefits that car share and carpool offer to mankind, yet we are so hesitant to procure this smart solution.

Secondly,The food that is wasted, impacts food security, resource conservation, and contributes to the methane emissions that come from landfills. Reducing the amount of food waste sent to landfills can help ease the impact of climate change and also put food in the mouths of millions of people.

So, with the help of our app we can provide a platform to all the people that solves both of the above mentioned problems.
Through our app users can:

1.Create Carpool
2.Join Existing Carpools
3.Fecilitate Food Give-Aways
4.Acknowledge others about any social welfare events/activities in their locality

Challenges we ran into

Users expectations have dramatically risen with the easy accessibility of simple applications. Now, in routine for a website, users are looking for the same level of simplicity. Any website with ‘a good design’ promises to gain traction. A website looking out-dated or ugly can be quickly judged by its users. They will find some other suitable option, if your app fail to meet the user’s high expectations. A confused application for users, or a website with a complex integration for developers wil
