Rate On Chain

Rate On Chain

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The problem Rate On Chain solves

Users may find customer reviews of items and services on the majority of websites. User satisfaction has been hampered by a lack of faith in data integrity and manipulation.
All rating information is saved on the central server since existing online rating systems work with it. In order to adjust the ratings in favour of the service or product supplier, the system manager has complete control over the removal, modification, and manipulation of all rating information.


  1. Decentralised Rating system.
  2. The gas delegation is used for voting, customers need not pay.
  3. No manipulation of rating values
  4. Proof of personhood could be used to prevent malicious users.

Use Cases

  1. Film Industry - It can be used for rating films like we have imdb in web2 but by solving above problems
  2. Hotels - To rate your favorite hotel or to give critics.
  3. Rating products

Challenges we ran into

There could be a challenge from malicious users of dishonouring the services, we believe this can be avoided by implementing proof of personhood mechanism.

Tracks Applied (5)

Polygon: Open Track

Smart contract is deployed in polygon testnet.

Polygon Technology

Filecoin Virtual Machine

IPFS is used for storing images data.



Arcana authentication is used during initialisation.

Arcana Network

Superfluid - General Track

Super fluid can be used to provide proper air drops for any organisation to their customers to promote the habit of voti...Read More



Polywrap can be used with ipfs using WASM modules.

