

Scan, Shop, Verify :: Your shoping companion 🛍️



Scan, Shop, Verify :: Your shoping companion 🛍️

The problem Rapid~Receipt solves

Problem 1: Inefficient Checkout Process

In today's digital world , time is a precious commodity. However, many grocery store checkouts still require customers to wait in line, even for single items. This process is not only inefficient but also contributes to customer frustration and lost productivity. Moreover, the traditional checkout process, with its physical receipts and manual verification, is prone to errors and can lead to delays and customer dissatisfaction.

Merits of an Improved Checkout Process:

Reduced Wait Times: Implementing self-checkout options or streamlining the traditional checkout process can significantly reduce customer wait times, saving valuable time for both customers and employees.

Enhanced Customer Experience: A faster and more convenient checkout process can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved Efficiency: A more efficient checkout process can lead to increased sales and reduced labor costs for businesses.

Problem 2: Lack of Record-Keeping in Small Businesses

Many small businesses(e.g, cart vendor) struggle to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of their sales and inventory. This lack of record-keeping can lead to a number of problems, including:

Inaccurate Financial Reporting: Without accurate records, businesses cannot accurately track their income and expenses, making it difficult to make informed financial decisions.

Inventory Management Issues: Poor record-keeping can make it difficult to track inventory levels, leading to stockouts and overstocking, both of which can negatively impact profits.

Tax Compliance Challenges: Accurate records are essential for tax compliance. Without them, businesses may face penalties or audits.

Merits of Improved Record-Keeping:

Enhanced Financial Management: Accurate records enable businesses to make informed financial decisions, track profitability, and identify areas for improvement.

Challenges we ran into

As we decide to make a mobile application with flutter with dart as it is very difficult to use with their SDK version failure etc, and then

  • making the server in node js for creating product detail fetching API which is quite challanging its own.
  • and moreover we decided to make the admin panel in TAIPY which is an open-source Python library for building the web application front-end & back-end. but finding what our requirement demands was quite fun and challanging for us.

Tracks Applied (3)

Best Use of MongoDB Atlas

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Major League Hacking

Most Creative Use of GitHub

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Major League Hacking

Best Use of Taipy

For this project taipy I used for Admin panel, as a admin panel require detailed and very beautiful UI/UX and I learnt f...Read More

Major League Hacking
