We sort up your mess because you deserve the Best! Our ranking algorithm assesses product catalog quality across three key dimensions: compliance, correctness, and completeness.

The problem RANKHUB solves

Our ranking algorithm is designed to meticulously evaluate the quality of product catalogs across three pivotal dimensions: compliance, correctness, and completeness. Each dimension plays a critical role in ensuring an optimal user experience and fostering trust between buyers and sellers. Compliance assessment involves scrutinizing products for adherence to relevant laws and regulations, assigning weights that correspond to their legal significance. Correctness evaluation focuses on verifying the authenticity and accuracy of product branding, with weights reflecting the importance of precise representation. Completeness analysis delves into the inclusion of essential attributes necessary for a comprehensive understanding of each product, with weights allocated based on their criticality in conveying vital information to customers. Through the transparent definition of parameters and weights, our algorithm objectively scores each product, providing an impartial assessment of its quality. By leveraging granular assessment criteria, we guarantee an efficient and adaptable solution capable of accommodating evolving requirements in catalog quality evaluation. Ultimately, our algorithm empowers users to make informed decisions by furnishing them with a thorough comprehension of product attributes, thereby enhancing their shopping experience and bolstering confidence in their purchases.

Challenges we ran into

Deciding accurate parameters. determining weights, UI integration, Security errors

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

