RAM - Refugee Aid Manager

RAM - Refugee Aid Manager

The only app needed for letting Refugees start a new life from scratch and find another home.

The problem RAM - Refugee Aid Manager solves

Firstly let's look into the problems -

  1. The distressed might face a language barrier in the country they hope to seek refuge in.
  2. Unware of their legal rights and lack of availability of important documents.
  3. Unbeknowest of nearby refugee camps and aid.
  4. Face problem in getting proper lodging facilities.
  5. Unemployement is a major problem as many natives don't easily give them jobs.
  6. Lack of funds with refugee camps
    The Solutions we offer -
    -> For the Refugee
  7. RAM is available in 100+ languages.
  8. A section for storing important documents and getting information about their legal rights.
  9. A navigation system showing nearby refugee camps and means to contact them via chat/call.
  10. Section listing nearby refugee friendly Airbnbs to provide them lodgings.
  11. Finally a section showing jobs offered by enterprises, organisation or shops where refugees are already working or are setup by one.
    -> For the Helper
    This part of the app will be based on ethereum blockchain wherein:
  12. The helper (refugee camp supervisor or well wisher) will be able to start Campaigns as a fundraiser.
  13. After providing certain details like the amount required, the deadline along with a message detailing the need with proof the Campaign will be created.
  14. The funders now will be able to donate on the Campaigns safely because of some constraints our smart contract offers.
  15. Funder's money will only reach the fundraiser if all these constraints are met:
    a) The min amount limit is less than the received amount.
    b) a majority of 50% of funders must have voted for the campaign.
    c) the deadline has not been extended.
  16. If not met then the money will reach back to the funder's wallet.
    So, RAM is an app which anyone can use, be it the distressed seeking aid or those seeking funds for refugee camps or those wanting to help.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we ran into was connecting the crypto wallet and the smart contract with our mobile app which was written in react native. To tackle this we did some research and and found some interesting libraries like:

  1. ethereum-react-native-boilerplate
  2. moralis
    and a protocol named WalletConnect protocol which then opened the door for connecting our mobile app with our smart contract.
    Another challenge we faced was in authentication ie how to surely conform that the one creating an account is actually a distressed and not an imposter. To tackle this, in our authentication we have put in a functionality of getting the user's face picture for us to keep in our database.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

The smart contract built using Solidity will run on the ethereum blockchain by manner of which the fundraisers and funde...Read More

