Virtual Self Defense Trainer

The problem RAKSHA solves

Self-defence is an important skill for self safety especially for women in times of danger. However, self-defence training is not accessible to many. And specially in these times when you cannot take one-on-one training due to lockdown restrictions, Techquillas present here your virtual self defense trainer RAKSHA which not only guides you with 11 basic self defense techniques but also grades you on how accurately you perform. Keep practicing, keep earning points and move on to the next modules! We walk you through by also taking some self awareness quizzes that help you stay on top of the leaderboard.

Challenges we ran into

problem: There was no existing dataset that contains images of physical
defence postures.
solution: we used media pipe and made a dataset from the youtube videos.

  1. fewer resources:
    problem: There are very few resources for flask and open cv.
    solution: we tried to do itwith as many resources found.
    3.firebase :
    problem: Data was not sent to firebase to store the scores.
    solution: Explored the firebase original document.
    problem: Capturing the pose at a certain time-frame
    solution: Used mediapipe
