To create an informative AI-based tool that should be able to give alerts and identify cases of mental health issues in children and also track the improvement status in identified cases. It should be able to track mental health issues prevalent in children from birth to the ones which they acquired later in their life for remediation and counselling. The tool should support teacher’s assessment as well as parental and self-assessment.
Background – The pandemic has thrown up several issues in our lives, especially in the lives of children, it has impacted the mental health and well being of children. There is a need for better surveillance tools to access and track the prevalence of mental health issues and untangle congenital and acquired conditions to provide for appropriate remediation and counselling.
Most people, especially those who have not actually studied and researched about mental health, cannot gauge the broad scope and entirety of it. As a result, there is a lot of misinformation and widely believed myths and stigmas about mental health. It is essential to bust these myths before we can begin to envision a mentally healthy society.
Efforts to maintain a balanced and healthy relationship with people who have panic or anxiety attacks begin with being thoroughly informed about them. Further, there are some tips and advice that people can follow to help a loved one dealing with panic or anxiety attacks.
An eating disorder is a mental illness depicting an unhealthy relationship with your food. This may be eating too much in one sitting or too little food. Anyone can develop an eating disorder. It doesn’t matter what your age, gender, cultural or racial background is.
Integrating of the various modules and training the large data sets for mental health assesment
Technologies used