

Looking after your Mental Health



Looking after your Mental Health

The problem Rahat solves

Problem - There is a need of one stop solution towards stress detection and reduction to prevent Mental illness.
Solution -
Stress Detection - through HRV (Heart Rate Variability) data and set of questions.
Stress Reduction - Through three therapies - 1. Music Therapy 2. Interaction Therapy 3. Yoga and Meditation Therapy

Challenges we ran into

  1. Collecting the psychological data set.
  2. Integrating the Google dialog box
  3. Overfitting of data for ML models

We solved these challenges through -

  1. Going through many reasearch papers and articles. We found a range of data about the conversation between the user and psychiatrist through we designed are recommendation systems.
  2. We saw some youtube videos and integrated the google dialog box.
  3. We did it by hypertuning the model.
