Race Ready

Race Ready

"Empowering Runners, Inspiring Journeys: Your Marathon Adventure Begins Here!"

The problem Race Ready solves

Inefficient Communication Channels: This problem pertains to the difficulty in exchanging information among Rotary clubs effectively. Solving this issue would improve the coordination of activities, reduce delays, and prevent misunderstandings.
Manual Administrative Management: Managing participants, volunteers, and sponsors manually can lead to errors and inconsistencies. Solving this problem involves automating administrative processes to reduce the burden on volunteers and minimize the risk of mistakes. Outdated Registration and Payment Methods: Outdated methods for registration and payment can create inconvenience and delays for both participants and organizers. Solving this problem involves implementing modernized systems to streamline these processes, making them more efficient and user-friendly.

Challenges we ran into

We weren't able to find Google maps API to integrate our map. We felt that the amount of time we received was quite less to develop a web/app.
