QuizBit-Quiz Web App

We made a Space Quiz Web app that will encourage pupils’ self awareness of progress and self assessment. Our quiz will help the users to explore the space and provide fun learning experience.

The problem QuizBit-Quiz Web App solves

Our solution to this problem statement is a “Quiz Web app” game through which user can get to know more about space while trying to get the answers. Along with an informative quiz game , we have also added an “Asteroid Shooter” game to make it more interesting for the user.
How our solution will help people?
The Space Quiz will encourage pupils’ self awareness of progress and self assessment. It has been proven that quizzes help us to engage, concentrate and learn quickly. Thus this quiz will help the users to learn more about our space and related facts. The additional shooter game will help people respond quickly and concentrate. Overall our solution will help users learn while enjoying.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Web page was sliding through horizontal axis and due to which the quiz UI was not properly displayed and then we fixed it by overflow hidden condition.
  2. While clicking on right answer the green colour was not displaying.
