

Enabling cross-chain swaps from any token to any chain with just one click.

Created on 17th June 2023



Enabling cross-chain swaps from any token to any chain with just one click.

The problem QuickRaven solves

In typical scenarios, users encounter difficulties when attempting to transfer their desired tokens between different blockchain networks. This process often requires them to navigate through three separate platforms and conduct three individual transactions, involving a Decentralized Exchange (DEX), a bridge, and another Decentralized Exchange (DEX). This not only consumes a considerable amount of time but also increases the likelihood of users selecting suboptimal routes and incurring excessive transaction fees.

By leveraging QuickRaven, users can streamline the entire process, eliminating the need to navigate multiple platforms and perform multiple transactions. Instead, they can seamlessly achieve their desired token transfer through a single transaction, resulting in significant time and effort savings.

Furthermore, QuickRaven's intelligent algorithm analyzes liquidity availability and transaction fees across different networks, providing users with the most optimized routes and lowest transaction fees available in the market. This eliminates the need for users to manually compare liquidity pools or calculate transaction fees, as QuickRaven's platform presents a comprehensive view of available options. Users can confidently proceed with their cross-chain swaps, knowing they are accessing the best possible routes and optimizing their transaction costs.

Challenges we ran into

Our team faced several challenges, primarily related to the adoption of RENEC, a cutting-edge technology that was unfamiliar to us. The learning curve was steep, as we dedicated substantial time to thoroughly understand the technology by studying the available documentation and supplementary materials.

Another significant challenge was the constraint of time. Given a limited timeframe, we had to work efficiently without compromising the quality and precision of our tasks. The need for both speed and meticulousness added an additional layer of complexity to our endeavors.

Tracks Applied (4)

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