Why ?
The current crypto wallets are based on secp256k1 curve to generate key-pairs, but they are not quantum resistant. Usually using the curve we generate a private key, from which we generate a public key.
Private and Public key together is called Key Pair
Quick analogy
Now with the current Key pair generation, there is a problem :
With current computers, Public key can be generated from a Private key which is safe and reverse is not possible. How ever with quantum computing, we can get private keys from public keys which is a threat since, i can now steal money from others wallets.
This is like, i give you my Bank acc number and you can figure out my Bank acc password and steal money from it.
Proposed Architecture
library which can generate key-pairs which are quantum resistant.Figuring out a key-pair generating package which worked took up a long time, and designing how to make it work with existing packages like ethers.
Moreover proofs could be leveraged using ZK but shortage of time and resources couldnt let me explore that option
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