
A decentralized way to fund social projects using Quadratic Funding.

The problem Quad solves

Many NGOs get large donations and allocate funds on the basis of understanding of core management teams. This practice many times may lead to inefficient allocation of funds to projects and sometimes may also create vested interest-based funding of projects. Quadratic Funding is the mathematically optimal way to fund public goods in a democratic community. It amplifies the donations made by a large community over the contributions made by a small group with big pockets.

Challenges we ran into

  1. We started by learning solidity and spent a lot of time figuring out how to connect our smart contract with the front-end using web3.js. Hence we are still facing the problem of integration and is partially integrated as of now.
  2. The backend is required to verify the NGO-listed projects. For now, we used google sheets API to store and check the authenticity of the projects and after the approval of the team they are uploaded to the website, this can be automated in the future.
  3. The project works fine independently, that is frontend and smart contracts. Smart contracts behave as desired on remix id, but we couldn't completely integrate it with the frontend, something which we will continue to work on further.
