
Applications that runs automation on GitHub, using GitHub WebHooks and APIs. Built with Python.

Created on 9th January 2022



Applications that runs automation on GitHub, using GitHub WebHooks and APIs. Built with Python.

The problem PyBot solves

By automating our workflow, we can focus on actual collaboration, instead of getting stuck doing boring housekeeping things. It can automatically respond to users, apply labels, close issues, create new issues, and even merge pull requests. Use the extensive GitHub APIs and automate your workflow!.

In this hack i have made 4 bots.

  1. issue greeting bot
  2. pull request greeting bot
  3. issue labeler bot
  4. pull request labeler bot

Although this is very small work but we can expand it and can do all the stuff using bots. Every manual thing in github can be done by bots !!

Challenges I ran into

While building these bots i have faced many issues like, i was stuck at finding the keywords for the webhook events, i was also not able to deploy on heroku platform and also my key labeler bot was also not working perfectly. But at last i solved these all the problems..!


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