PV Hub

Blockchain based Social media platform. Truly Secure 🔒, Censorship Free ✔ , Transparent Algorithm 👁‍🗨.

The problem PV Hub solves


  1. Data breaches in social media platforms.
  2. Now a days, Social media platforms are full of sponsored posts.
  3. Generally, social media platforms don't have a transparent algorithm.

#Our solution:

  1. Blockchain technology makes PV Hub highly secure.
  2. As Blockchain is immutable, so it becomes censorship free.
  3. PV Hub has a transparent algorithm.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Couldn't deploy Smart Contract test net.
  2. Using IPFS
  3. Connecting Smart Contract to front end using Web3.js.
  4. Connecting metamask to Ganache-CLI.
