Punkga.me Creator Hub/Launchpad

Punkga.me Creator Hub/Launchpad

A tool which helps creators of Punkga.me to monetize their work through IP registration and licensing. Derivative works will be minted through a launchpad under issued license.

The problem Punkga.me Creator Hub/Launchpad solves

Punkga.me is a manga reading site where artists are encouraged to create contents (manga, characters, etc.), also with the use and monetization of NFTs.
For now, all the uploaded manga&comics are free to read, with the expectation of extra contents and materials could be monetized. Thus, Having a tool to register materials as IP assets so that licenses could be created and licensed works could be monetized with proper rights and royalties would be a huge deal.

  • Artist can choose which kind of licenses to mint for their IP Assets, which means they could decide what other could do with their works.
  • By minting and transfering license, other artists/creators can create derivative works based on an IP assets. This brings so much more opportunities for the IP to be used (extra chapter, special content, collaboration, cross-over, multiverse, etc.)
  • The launchpad is the place where derivatives works could be minted and monetized. Launchpad created under "Comercial Remix" license term will also have its royalty information handled, so the IP owner will get a percentage of the revenue as it has been set in the license.
  • We are planning to later include the function of claiming royalty right on our platform. For now it's still could be recognized and done through direct calling to the royalty contract.

Challenges we ran into

  • Some error on the SDK and API, e.g. calling to https://edge.stg.storyprotocol.net/api/v1/licenses give a 404 error.
  • When minting multiple licenses, the API only return ID and information of only one license. We had to fetch directly from the transaction through the hash to have info of all minted licenses.
  • When attaching a License Term to an IP Asset that already has a term attached, the return should not be an error, instead just give the transaction hash and the attached term ID. Throwing an error makes the flow not very smoooth in our opinion.
