PU Hunt- The web3 learning game.

"Introducing Pu Hunt, the groundbreaking GameFi experience that combines the excitement of gaming with the power of learning and skill development!

Created on 16th July 2023


PU Hunt- The web3 learning game.

"Introducing Pu Hunt, the groundbreaking GameFi experience that combines the excitement of gaming with the power of learning and skill development!

The problem PU Hunt- The web3 learning game. solves

In Pu Hunt, we've revolutionized the way you learn by integrating popular games like Flappy Bird with educational challenges. Imagine taking control of your favorite character from the vast NFT marketplace, immersing yourself in a world of gamified assignments, and gaining knowledge while having a blast.

Challenges I ran into

It was our first time building on unity game engine,building a gameFi platform and programming on c#. Hence, buiding logic and adding features was challenging.

Tracks Applied (7)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

deployed on polygon mumbai test-network after building smartcontract on ethereum hardhat platform.


Ethereum Track

built and deployed smart contract on top of ethereum on hardhat.



used Filecoin's feature of free storage service to store NFT's on IPFS. Deployed the marketplace using vercel using IPFS...Read More



used replit to code on the project and commit changes together. The marketplace was deployed on testnet directly from on...Read More



On the first scene of PU-Hunt project, we have an option to pay college fees using crypto that is connected with solana ...Read More


Quine Hackathon Track

uploaded the project repository on quine and using the platform to upload, edit and commit changes to the project.


5ire Hackathon Track

deployed on 5ire after deploying smart contract on remix and used wagmi to connect wallet with smart contract.



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