Created on 27th February 2022
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many of us are working or learning at home. This is true for school students as well as college students. Almost all the universities in India and abroad assess students through online tests and there are various ways in which students can cheat these tests. In order to ensure quality and integrity in the present scenario, efficient online testing is essential.By considering various parameters, we propose a system for monitoring the attentiveness of candidates, using an artificial intelligence model. The proposed scheme tracks head movements in two directions (left, right, up, and down), including mouth movements, which can be converted into a trust score based on predefined threshold values selected by the authority who conducts the assessment. The proposed scheme can be evaluated experimentally on video samples recorded for this purpose. The thresholds for the two parameters can be adjusted independently, avoiding false results and Now we know that objective based tests are very ineffective to truly assess the skill level of a candidate, therefor to solve this issue, we have created an all in one test taking ecosystem that uses AI to effectively asses the test taker. Our product also track the user through asses the user using our state of the art NLP model that does not just compare words but actually understands what the test taker wants to convey.
Intergation of opencv nlp models to django and ui ux bugs