1)Drug misuse due to couterfiet prescription.
2)Difficulty in tracking the Medication History
3)Difficulty in handling the Medical Report that may arise due to patient's Migration
4)Illicit manipulation of the medical record
5)Excessive use of paper (complete digitialization for people owning smatphones)
Our Hacks:
1)Physician and Pharmacist whould be directly connected with which the physician whould be abe to directly send the prescription to a authorized Pharmacist.
2)Patients medical records can be saved digitally for future access and tracking of medication history
3)Generates QR code that contains the encrypted form of prescribed medicine which can be only accessed by the Pharmacist
The major challenges we faced is creating two different login and signups system sperately for physician and pharmacist.
Generating of qr code and making it able to access only by the pharmacist and saving large data in firebase and making it accessible only by the doctor
Technologies used