Project Trakify

Expenses are need for all of us on daily basis so here's a expense tracker app.

The problem Project Trakify solves

Many people in India live on a fixed income, and they find that towards the end of the month they don't have sufficient money to meet their needs. So now, they don’t have to worry about managing their expenses, as they can get access to an expense tracker that will help in the active management of their finances.

We College Students when go out for the first time find difficult to manage or expenses so with the help of this webapp they will find convenient to track there expanses. And meet the requirements and needs they have.

Challenges we ran into

During building our app when integrating our speechly api it was not working properly but we ran into some youtube videos and tried different combinations to solve the problem and tried our best to solve it, we got a success.

As it is said never give up, failures will lead you somewhere high only you will only learn from your failures. So we just tried hard to solve the problem.
